Ha ha! The funny thing is, he said "You're probably going to blog about this, aren't you?" Anyway.
Before he left for Bangkok for his work, we were saying our goodbyes and I love yous.
Here's how it went:
Me: I love you
Him: I love you too.
Me: Really? You really love me?
Him: Yes, I really do love you, with all my heart.
Me: Why?
Then it became silent. He stuttered a bit.
Him: I love you because, ..., uh, UGH! Why do you have to put me on the spot like that?!?
Should I be upset that he can't tell me why he loves me? He didn't say anything for a long while. Approximately like 30 minutes. After that while, he hugged me. And we started talking again.
Him: Why are you so quiet?
Me: Me? You're the one that's been quiet! Ever since I asked you that question.
Him: I just don't want to sound like a idiot when I answer you.
Me: How are you going to sound like an idiot answering a question like that?
I felt like I was being sorta mean, but I was just messing with him because there shouldn't be a reason why he should stall on a question like THAT. Anyways, he attempted to answer but failed!
Him: I love you because you love me
Me: Ew! So you're saying that everyone that is in love with you, you have to love them back?
Him: No no! See, you're probably going to blog about this aren't you? Just because I can't answer your question
Me: Well it's a simple question! Why are you with me? There should be a reason you love me. You say "I love you" with no reason behind it?
Him: Can you tell me reasons why you love me then?
Me: I can tell you MANY reasons why I love you. And I wouldn't have to wait 30 minutes and stall just to answer the question.
Lol. Yeah, this conversation didn't really end the way I wanted it to. He told me little tiny things why he loves me. Like "Because I deal with his nerdiness" or some little things I do.
What do you think? Should I be upset that he couldn't answer the question like I expected him to? I was thinking that maybe he doesn't really know what LOVE really IS. We've been together for almost 2 years now. And I love him more than he will ever know. But I want the feeling to be mutual. Not just me loving him with all that I am, but him doing the same for me. At times I feel like maybe he likes the company/hugs/. But he doesn't really know the true meaning for love.